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Antenna Cambodia is a social enterprise producing and distributing Fairtrade Spirulina in Cambodia. 

Hello and Welcome!

Welcome to Antenna Cambodia

Antenna Cambodia is a social enterprise producing and distributing Fairtrade Spirulina in Cambodia. 


As a local partner of Antenna Technologies France (ATF) we have a dual mission:

  • Social Mission: providing 33% of  our Spirulina production to NGOs in order to fight malnutrition in Cambodia.

  • Economic  Mission: developing a sustainable economic model including the creation of local jobs.

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What is Spirulina?

Spirulina is a blue green microalga which has been growing in alkaline water bodies for an estimated 3.5 billion years. Its name comes from its spiral shape. 

400 years ago, the Aztecs discovered Spirulina as a food source. Today, its benefits have been recognized by the NASA and the European Space Agency. They have both selected it as one of the primary foods to be cultivated during long-term space missions.

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